Monday 2 January 2012

Using the research in tumble weed I have created my first scene to the animation.

Without sound the movement of the tumble weed looks unrealistic. This is because you can't hear when it is in the air or hitting the ground. In the final edit I will add sound and it should look perfect.

I may still change this before adding it to the final animation. The shadow needs to rotate and be darker!

As you can see I have used 3D layers. I feel this creates depth and makes the environment a lot more realistic.
I used the position key frames on the camera layer to create the slow zoom.

On youtube I found a video (below) that shows 2D photographs converted into 3D using this technique. 
This would have been done by firstly cutting up the image in Adobe Photoshop and using the clone tool, then saving as a .png. They would have then been imported into after effects and placed in a 3D space.

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