Thursday 19 January 2012

The Ripe, The Bad, and The Cutlery

The final animation can be found on the following link:


Throughout this project I have learnt many valuable skills in both Adobe Flash and Adobe After Effects.
I am more comfortable in both software packages and can navigate and find the tools I need without thinking.

I used pre compositions a lot through the production of the animation. This was very useful. It made layers easier to locate while tidying up the window.

This animation is aimed at all ages as it does not contain foul language or adult images.

If I were to do this project again I would do the following:

Create some more background Images. At the moment the background always remains the same. For some scenes I flip the background images.

Add some more realistic motion. Close ups of a gun firing. Add some wobble to the fruit (to show that they are fruit and not hard objects).

Move the Cutlery when they are laughing. At the moment they are still images.

Change the Story. I was limited to a 30 second animation (which I already went over). You can not create a story in this short time. A teaser trailer could have been a better idea.

Overall I feel the animation looks professional and contains both realistic motion (Doors, Tumble Weed, Walk, Poster, Bird) and Realism (Shadows, Depth).

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