Sunday 15 January 2012

As it is coming towards the end of the project I thought I would compare my Original and updated storyboard, and explain why I had changed it.


Updated (New):

As you can see, the changes I have made are massive. Both start with a slow zoom into the saloon. I then cut the conversation with the bar maid as it was taking up to much time and had no input into the story.  The Orange still runs into the bar and the sheriff still responds.  I then cut the entire battle scene and left it to the audiences imagination. Instead, I now have a new character 'the pea' getting angry and shouting at the cutlery.

The main reason for these changes were to save time, due to the animation being limited to 30 seconds (which I am already over). I also saved time animating due to removing characters and unnecessary images. My new storyboard also gives me a lot more space to add realistic motion.

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